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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Recipes from Nate

As told to me by Nathan Gibbons...

Melt Hersey's or chocolate chips for 30 seconds in the microwave. After you take them out of the microwave, stir them. Even if they don't look liquid, they are still soft. Use toothpicks to dunk the marshmallows inside. Put them in the freezer. When they are frozen, let them thaw out for a few minutes. Then, you have some dessert!

Get out a graham cracker and break it into fourths. Then get marshmallow and chocolate chips and put them on. Then get out another graham cracker and break it into fourths. Place each one on top of the previous ones you just did. Put them in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then it will turn out really thick and gooey.

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